The Silver Age
Next event: Screening - Saw, February 24
Silver Age Games presents:


2024-02-18 in Games


The game is for 4-8 players ages 7.5 and up and is played with a Thoth tarot deck. Each player is dealt six cards face-down, and the remaining cards are placed face-down in a draw pile. The space next to the draw pile is reserved for the discard pile.


Players view their own cards and aim to be the first to empty their hand. The game begins with the player to the dealer's left performing a flip (see below). Players then take turns going clockwise. A player wins once they have no cards upon the completion of any turn.


If a Minor Arcana card is on top of the discard pile on a player's turn, they can play either another Minor Arcana card of matching suit or value or any Major Arcana card by placing it face-up onto the discard pile. If the player has a card in their hand that they can play, they must play it; otherwise, they must draw cards from the draw pile until they do. If the draw pile is empty, shuffle all but the top card of the discard pile to replace the deck.

When playing their penultimate card, the player must call out Fortuno!


If a Major Arcana card is on top of the discard pile on a player's turn, they must flip the top card of the draw pile onto the discard pile. The flipped card affects the flipper as follows:

Card Functions

Minor Arcana

Princesses: the next player draws two and loses their turn.
Princes: the next player draws three and loses their turn (Patriarchy).
Queens: skip the next player's turn (Begone, peasant).
Knights: reverse direction of play (Joust).
Aces: can be played on any suit.

A player can avoid drawing in response to a Prince or Princess by playing another card of the same type on top of it (Stacking); subsequent players may continue to stack until someone draws the total value of the stack.

If three suits of the same card are played in a row, players must race to slap the discard pile. The first to slap gets to play any card from their hand; play continues from the slapper. If a player has the fourth card to complete the set, they can discard it after the slap to steal the reward; play continues from the stealer.

If a player has all four suits of any numerical card in their hand, they can play them all at once. This does not initiate a race to slap.

Major Arcana

  1. The Fool: the player chooses this card to be any of the numerical Minor Arcana. The next player draws four cards and loses their turn. If flipped, the flipper must draw four and choose this card to be any of the numerical Minor Arcana.
  2. The Magus: all players must get up and sit in a different order. Singing a song while doing so is encouraged.
  3. The Priestess: the player must draw two (Pay Indulgence).
    • The player can also play The Hierophant on top of The Priestess in the same turn, causing all other players to draw two cards instead (The Church Gambit).
  4. The Empress: the next two players are skipped. If flipped, the next player is skipped.
  5. The Emperor: the next three players are skipped (Patriarchy). If flipped, the next two players are skipped.
  6. The Hierophant: the player must draw three (Pay Indulgence, Patriarchy).
    • The player can also play The Priestess on top of The Hierophant in the same turn, causing all other players to draw two cards instead (The Church Gambit).
  7. The Lovers: the player selects another player to be their lover. The two then play as a team, taking turns collaboratively and sharing access to each other's (separate) hands. Once the original player's next turn is completed or skipped, the lover divides their hands evenly (Divorce), choosing which cards they get to keep (She took the kids).
    • If the player and lover cannot agree on what to play, they must settle their dispute with a single match of rock-paper-scissors.
    • If either the player or the lover is hermitted, they immediately divorce.
    • If either is eliminated, the other keeps both of their hands (Widowed).
  8. The Chariot: the card immediately beneath this card is treated as the top of the discard pile (Transparency). Can be discarded out of turn for immunity in response to a card affecting the entire group (e.g. Adjustment).
  9. Adjustment: shuffle all hands together and deal them back to the players (Communism).
    • Cards are dealt in the direction of play, starting with the player after the Adjustor.
    • After the third adjustment of the game, remove this card from the deck.
  10. The Hermit: the next player is skipped for two turns (Hermitted). The hermit is immune to cards affecting the entire group between those turns. Draw cards that would affect the hermit instead affect the next player. If flipped, the flipper is hermitted.
  11. Fortune: can only be played when the player would otherwise have to draw in response to a draw card or stack of draw cards played by another player. The direction of play is reversed, and the previous player has to draw the total amount instead and loses their turn. If flipped, the direction of play is simply reversed.
    • If a player has to play, and Fortune is the only card in their hand, they must play it and are immediately eliminated from the game (Old Maid).
  12. Lust: the player can play any number of Princesses and Princes on top of this card in the same turn, with draw numbers stacking (Orgy). Without any Princesses or Princes, the card does nothing (Masturbation).
    • Cannot be played immediately following an Ace.
  13. The Hanged Man: the player must draw six cards, then return any three cards from their hand to the top of the draw pile in any order.
  14. Death: the next player must draw six cards and loses their turn. If flipped, the flipper is eliminated from the game and must place their hand at the bottom of the discard pile.
  15. Art: wild card; the player chooses this card to be any card currently in the deck.
  16. The Devil: all other players must offer up one non-numerical card to the player, if they have any (no peeking at others' offers). The player must pick one of the offered cards to keep (Feudalism).
    • Players can lie about not having any non-numerical cards (Tax Evasion). The player of The Devil can accuse them of lying by saying J'accuse! If the accused was lying, they must draw four; if they are innocent, the accuser must draw four.
    • If three sixes are played in a row, the player with The Devil wins (Satanic Ritual).
  17. The Tower: the players with the most and fewest cards switch hands.
    • If there is a tie for the most or fewest cards, the player decides who switches.
  18. The Star: all players pass one card in the direction of play (if this was the player's last card, they pass nothing, but still receive a card).
  19. The Moon: the player asks another player for a specific card or type of card. If they have any, they must give the asker one card fitting the request; if not, the asker draws one card. If the drawn card fits their request, they may play it.
    • The player may not make negative requests (e.g. any card EXCEPT Fortune) or disjoint requests (e.g. any Queens OR The Empress).
  20. The Sun: the player picks another player's hand to look at (Peeping Tom). If flipped, the player must show their hand to all other players.
  21. The Aeon: the player places their hand at the bottom of the discard pile and draws six new cards (Fresh Start).
  22. The Universe: all players pass their hand in the direction of play.

Lesbian Endgame

If only two players remain, remove the following cards from the deck as they are played (still treated as the top of the discard pile), flipped (flip again), or drawn (draw again), without allowing them to perform any function: