The Silver Age
Next event: Screening - Saw, February 24

Jessica Lopez

Aliases: Jess, G, Alucard, BestGrell, Death Scholar Games, Psyche, Mechanical_Hanz, Sebastian Lawliet, Him

Height: 5'4"
Sign: Capricorn
Skin Condition: Perpetually Torn-Up Hands
Allergies: Soy, Nuts, Pollen, Cats, Swiss Cheese (not really but she doesn't like the holes)
Favorite Words: Idiosyncratic, Flabbergasted, Funafuti, Kamehameha, Obsidian, Semantic


If someone steals your thunder, bring out your lightning.

They can't predict your next move if you don't even know what sport you're playing.

If you don't count the losses, I've honestly had nothing but wins.


Social and Other Medias

Twitch: bestgrell