The Silver Age
Next event: Screening - Saw, February 24

Chapin Alexander Lenthall-Cleary I

Aliases: Knight of the Woeful Flower, Alexander, Jacob, y41, Tenacious, The Adamantine Metaphysicist, Mystery Message Man, The Emperor, The University of Pennsylvania Board of Trusties, Chapin I need 13 mags to hit these 3 zombies Lenthall-Cleary

Height: 6'.5"
Favorite Words: Orthogonal, Sublime, iff, Adamantine, Occident, Sanguine, Quixotic
Discussion Topics: Movecraft warship engineering, applications of metaphysics to controversial political issues, geopolitical board game design
Self-Conscious About: Missing a shot at a shield zombie attacking a teammate 30' away
New Favorite Hobby: Fact-checking normative claims
Last Target: All the emails
Next Target: REDACTED (keep an eye on the news)


I wasn't at all unclear about what I'd do. I said I'd defenestrate them.

It's classified.

With honesty, courage, and, most importantly, style.

Let's have a big round of applause for [our leaders/wealth inequality/feminism/being yourself/Interim President L. Jerry Lameson/trying your best].

This is the corvette F.A.S. Lightning. You will alter your course.

My IQ is 100 on average and 200 half the time.

Kant lies, but my watch doesn't.

Everyone who breaks the rules should be severely punished. The people who break the rules without harming anyone should be punished even more, since they make breaking the rules seem sometimes okay, which it never is.

Im ovat think that you os are a schmuck.

It doesn't jam when I use it.

You gotta be divinely ordained to do stuff like this.

Social and Other Medias

YouTube: @TheAdamantineMetaphysicist
Substack: The Penn Heretic